Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Baby Names

Who ever thought naming a baby is such hard work?!? I found this out with Carter, and I thought a girl would be much easier to name (seeing as how we came up with an entire list of girl names but only a few boy names for Carter). But, alas... our list of girl names grows short this time. Trying to come up with a name both Matt and I like while realizing our child will be "stuck" with this name for the rest of her life is a very difficult task!! I've got my favorites, he's got his, and there are a couple on which we both agree. But I'm tired of searching and trying to be creative, so I'm turning this over to everyone else's creative minds for a while. Respond to this blog with some of your favorite girl names (mind you... it has to go with the last name of Wolf!). I'm not promising we'll use any of them, but it'd be so nice to get some suggestions. Give us first, middle, or both... Let the naming begin!!

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