Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lauren is Here!

I'm finally getting around to uploading pictures and such, so thought I'd post a quick blog. Most of you have probably heard that Lauren Taylor Wolf has made her arrival. She was born on May 10, 2007, at 1:07pm. She weighed 8 lbs, 3 oz and was 20 in long. She looks like big brother Carter, and she has dark brown somewhat-curly hair, big hands with long fingers, and tiny ears! Labor was good -- I went in to be induced at 6:30am and was already having regular contractions eight minutes apart. With just a little pitocin and breaking my water a little after 8am, labor was underway. Contractions got hard pretty quickly, and by 11:15am I was 4.5 cm. The anesthesiologist was paged and by 12:30p I had my epidural, along with some pretty sharp pains. The nurse checked, and in a little over an hour I had made it to 9 cm! Ten minutes later, the doctor said to get me ready to push. I started pushing at 12:55pm and she came at 1:07pm -- out in six contractions!! She was a great delivery and I was up and around with her that first night.

We came home from the hospital on Saturday afternoon (May 12) and have been adjusting pretty well. She's a great eater, and breastfeeding is going great. Carter is adjusting to not having all the attention, but is doing pretty good. It's going to take some time to get a routine going and for him to be used to having her around (and not having Mommy to himself!!).

The pictures are uploaded into two albums:

I'll upload more as we get them. Enjoy!!

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