Tuesday, May 8, 2007

We're Having a Baby!

I went to the doctor today, at 38 wks 1 day, and the stress test looked great. The doctor always says she's showing off because we get great results. Then she informed me that they induce at 38 1/2 weeks when there are two vessels in the cord (I think they told me that a while ago when we first found this out, but it had slipped my ever-forgetting mind!). They only like to induce when the cervix is favorable, which mine is very ready. She didn't say what it was, but I don't think it dilated anymore than the 3cm it was last week. So anyway, we've decided to go in Thursday morning for the induction. I'd have rather done Friday, but the doctors don't want to work too late on Friday nights. I could've also picked Monday, but I didn't think I could stand to wait that long. I'm so miserable!! AND THE BEST PART... There are two doctors in my office, Dr Weiler and Dr Stowell. I've seen Dr Stowell the majority of this pregnancy (and last) and Dr Weiler delivered Carter. I'd much rather have Dr Stowell, and he's the one on call Thursday so he'll deliver Lauren!! (Yay, Mandy! I hope he delivers Sam too!) There's nothing wrong with Dr Weiler, she's great too, I've just seen Dr Stowell for all but like three or four appointments so he's really been with me through the entire thing.

So as long as Lauren doesn't decide to come on her own tonight or tomorrow, we'll be at the hospital Thursday morning at 6am to get things started (well, it's started, we'll just help it move along quicker!). So anyone who wants to come visit me, I'll be there through Sunday as long as things go well. I get to come home Mother's Day with a new baby!!

Oh, and depending on when she makes her arrival... Mandy will win the baby pool if she's born before noon on Thursday; Amanda will win if she comes after noon; and Mom will win if she waits until after midnight (let's hope not, sorry Mom!).

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